Ziesel is weasel.
That's mean
agyafúrt ürge.
He didn't know
the big Großtrappe.
One day he wanted a new friend.
The story is starting,
don't wait the end!
He was walking over the field,
he was watching the sky,
when somebody shouted him:
"Hova mész, te?! Állj!"
He met a Mauersegler.
Please, be sure!
No one need a torch,
it didn't look like Stroch!
"Be connection between us!"
wanted the Citellus.
"Ok! I'll be your daddy!"
answered him the bird.
Beacause his latin name is
a hungarian word.
This is a short story,
not a long epos.
Like when Ziesel met with
an Upupa epops.
Ziesel (Citellus citellus), német (lat.), ürge
Großtrappe (Otis tarda), német (lat.), túzok
Mauersagler (Apus apus), német (lat.) sarlósfecske
Storch (Ciconia ciconia), német (lat.) fehér gólya
Upopa epops (Wiedehopf), latin (ném.) búbos banka